
Welcome to Together Active, and congratulations on your recent appointment. As the Active Partnership for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, we’re excited about the fresh perspectives and innovative ideas you bring to our government. We’re looking forward to collaborating with you to advance our shared goals and ambitions to create meaningful impact in our communities.

Here you’ll learn more about who we are, what we do, and how we can work together to design out inactivity. 


Who we are

We are an independent charity and the Active Partnership for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. We work to use physical activity as a tool to improve the lives of some of the most overlooked and unheard populations by working across three priority areas:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Social Inclusion
  • Powerful Communities

Our work focusses on population groups who experience one or more of the following:

  • Mental distress
  • A long-term physical health condition
  • Low or no income
  • Exclusion as a result of gender and/or race

We work in collaboration with partners from systems across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent to work toward our vision.

8 members of the team outside in the sunshine standing together and looking at the camera.

Our work

We believe that our systems must change. We want a world where everyone can be active and healthy. Being physically active is crucial for our wellbeing. It helps us stay healthy, manage stress, and connect with others. But our current systems and environments often make it difficult for people to be active, especially those who face the most challenges.

Our bodies were made to move

Dr. William Bird reminds us that “our bodies were made to move”. Yet, many people, especially in disadvantaged communities, find it hard to be active because of barriers like poverty, disability, and social exclusion. To help everyone, especially those who struggle the most, we need to change these systems to make it easier for people to become and stay active.

Equity more than equality

We want to create an environment where everyone can be active, especially those who are most affected by unfair systems that keep them from living healthy lives. We will use data and real-life experiences to make sure resources go where they are needed most.

We must work together

But there are significant challenges ahead. In Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, many people live in poverty, face health disparities, and experience social exclusion. These issues are interconnected and require a comprehensive approach. We must work together with local partners and communities to overcome these barriers and design out inactivity. 

We are at a critical point where immediate action is necessary. Our plan aims to integrate physical activity into everyday life, ensuring it becomes a key part of community development and personal wellbeing. By focusing our efforts where they are needed most and working collaboratively, we can create a healthier, more active future for everyone in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

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Our vision

Design out inactivity across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent

Our strategy aims to transform how physical activity is integrated into daily life in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent by 2030. We want to change the way different systems – like healthcare, education, and social services – arrange themselves to improve access to activity. Currently, many systems operate in isolation, with physical activity far removed from their activities.

By 2030, we envision communities supported by systems that work together seamlessly. This means healthcare providers will work closely with community organisations, schools, and local government to make physical activity a natural and easy part of everyone’s life. This shift will help create healthier, more inclusive communities where everyone has the opportunity to lead an active, fulfilling life.

Our Strategy on a Page


How you can help

  • We believe in the power of partnership. We want to work with you to find new opportunities to use physical activity interventions to improve people’s lives and increase social capital. By engaging with us and supporting our work, you can help make this happen.
  • Your voice is crucial in shaping policies that prioritise physical activity. Advocate for the inclusion of physical activity in all policy areas, from education and healthcare to planning and transportation. Together, we can create environments that make it easier for people to lead active lives.
  • Stay informed. Sign up to our Research and Policy Newsletter to keep up to date with the latest developments in our work, our insights into our local communities, and the impact of physical activity interventions. We will provide data and insight to support the development of policy, shed light on local community challenges, and offer innovative solutions that incorporate being active.


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