Engage Communities Win Top Volunteering Award From Her Majesty The Queen

Monday 12th June 2017

The outstanding work of the social enterprise from Stoke, Engage Communities, has been recognised again. They have won the prestigious Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, equivalent to an MBE. The award recognises Engage Communities outstanding work in recruiting and training hundreds of young volunteers from disadvantaged backgrounds.  Engage Communities provides sport, fitness and youth work for underprivileged children to build their character and help them make the right choices in life. The young volunteers play a crucial role. Engage Communities will receive the award from the Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire later this summer, which includes a certificate signed by Her Majesty The Queen. The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to local volunteer groups, recognising the outstanding work they perform within their communities.


Yaser Mir, Engage CEO of Engage Communities, commented,

“This is an amazing achievement. Many people think that young people just want to be on their phones or hang out with their friends, but we have proved that just isn’t the case. This award recognises the fantastic work of our young volunteers who give up their time to help others in their community. This award will mean so much to our young volunteers, who also benefit from the training, qualifications, and work experience we provide. We believe that volunteering at a young age really makes a difference to the character and ambition of a young person. Many of our volunteers have gone onto further education, higher education, and employment.”

For further information contact:

Yaser Mir
T: 07510 857563
E:  info@engagecommunities.org