British Canoeing- Coach Award Q&A – Where do the changes leave trainee and existing coaches?

Tuesday 18th July 2017

The Coach Award launched on the 3rd July 2017 which aims to create discipline specific pathways across all disciplines. We understand trainee and existing coaches will have a number of questions. Read the questions from our coaches and some of the answers may help you!

Where does that leave those of us who worked through the UKCC Level 2 scheme?

British Canoeing recognise the hard work candidates have put into their coaching awards. Coaches who already have a British Canoeing coaching qualification which meets the coaching requirement for the group(s) in the environment they are working in are not required to do anything further.  Further details can be found on our website here.

I have done my training for UKCC L2 and was looking to book assessment for August – is this worthwhile or should I just do my assessment in the New Year for the new set of qualifications?

In the new scheme you now have a choice! If you’re looking to become a canoe and kayak coach in sheltered water, we would recommend you take your Level 2 assessment in August. From January 2018, if you wanted to specialise in a specific discipline, you can skip the 2 day Core training, go straight to the 2 day Discipline Specific training and then the 1 day assessment. Further details can be found here.

I’m a Moderate Water Endorsement WWK trainee. What implications do the changes have for me? What is the assessment likely to involve?

If you have completed your Moderate Water Endorsement training in White Water Kayak, after the 1st January you will do your White Water Coach assessment and become a White Water Coach. The assessment criteria is similar to the current MWE assessment.

I’m a UKCC Level 2 coach. This winter I was planning to do a Moderate Water Leader and next year was planning to take my Moderate Water Endorsement. I can’t see where this leaves me?

Once successful in gaining your Moderate Water Leader, from January 2018 you can access the 2 day Discipline Specific training in the relevant discipline.  For example, if you become a Sea Kayak Leader before December, after the 1st January 2018, you can take the Sea Kayak Coach training and Sea Kayak Coach Assessment. This has similar assessment criteria and will enable you to have the same remit. There are direct entry routes, however, candidates will still need to meet a similar level of personal and safety skills ahead of training. Details about the prerequisites can be found in the ‘Coach Awards Course Guide PRERELEASE‘ and the ‘British Canoeing Coach Awards Updates‘.

I want to access AWE training in Surf Kayak. I’m a Level 2 Coach and I’ll complete my Moderate Water Endorsement this year. Where does that leave me after 1st January?

As a Level 2 Coach with a MWE, wanting to access the AWE Surf, you will need to become an Advanced Surf Kayak Leader and then enrol on the Surf Kayak Coach (Advanced Water) training.

For further details of the Coach Award, please view our ‘New for 2018‘ section of the website or visit our news section. If you have specific questions about your pathway, please contact the Coaching Team on or 0300 0119 500.