UK Coaching- Cross-sector organisations team-up to create mental health resources for coaches

Monday 24th July 2017

UK Coaching has produced a new animation and infographic in partnership with Mind, the UK’s leading mental health charity and with support from Public Health England to help coaches promote good mental health.

‘Promoting Good Mental Health through Coaching’ will help coaches better understand what mental health is and the barriers faced by those living with or recovering from a mental health problem when accessing sport and physical activity.

Craig Blain, Development Lead – Physical Activity at UK Coaching, said:

“Coaching has a role to play in the maintenance of mental health for both the coach and the participant; creating motivational climates that increase people’s self-esteem, self-worth, enjoyment and vitality, and the resilience of their sporting habits.

“We’re really pleased to have worked with Mind and Public Health England on these resources. Their expertise has helped us bring to life how coaches can create positive environments for those living with, or recovering from a mental health problem.”

Hayley Jarvis, Community Programmes Manager (Sport) at Mind, said:

“We all have mental health and, with one in four of us experiencing a mental health problem in any one year, it is fantastic that UK Coaching is taking positive action to raise awareness within the coaching community.

“Through our Get Set to Go programme, which supports people with mental health problems to become physically active in local communities, we have seen first-hand the vital role of coaches in providing a welcoming, inclusive and positive environment to enable people to overcome the barriers to becoming and remaining physically active. We are delighted to work with UK Coaching and Public Health England and are committed to supporting coaches to feel confident to talk about mental health.”

Lily Makurah, Deputy National lead for Mental Health, Public Health England, said:

“These resources are a really important way of communicating the link between positive mental health and getting enough physical activity. Coaches are uniquely placed in that they can offer advice on both physical and mental health and we are confident these resources will make a real benefit to their work.”

The video, narrated by Professor Kevin Fenton, Director for Health and Wellbeing at London Borough of Southwark and National Senior Adviser at Public Health England, is available to watch on UK Coaching’s website, where you can also download the infographic:

‘Promoting Good Mental Health through Coaching’ is part of a series of animations and infographics recently published by UK Coaching that address and identify areas of interest for coaches to ensure that they meet the needs of their participants – particularly those new to activity.