SASSOT Staffing Changes

Tuesday 31st October 2017

There have been several changes on the SASSOT Board and Team recently.

Firstly, we said goodbye to our Chair and Vice Chair following the Board meeting on 17th October.  Sue Finnigan has been a Board member since 2005, when she joined the Interim Board whilst  SASSOT was being established as a County Sports Partnership.  She moved into the position of Vice Chair, and then took on the role of Chair in 2014.  Peter Jones took on the Vice Chair role in 2014 and has worked alongside Sue since then.   We would like to thank both Sue and Peter for their commitment and leadership during their time with us, and wish them both well for the future.

We are pleased to announce that at the same Board meeting, the Board ratified the appointment of Malcolm Armstrong as our new Chair. Malcolm joins us having recently retired from the University of Worcester, and you can find out more about Malcolm here.


We also recently said a sad farewell to two long-standing members of the SASSOT team – Nici Hill-Gregory left us at the end of September after nearly nine years. Nici worked initially on the Sport Unlimited programme, then on Sportivate, and most recently on the This Girl Can Innovation project, none of which would have run so smoothly without Nici’s input and ideas, particularly on the marketing front.




Leigh Morton has been with SASSOT for an impressive 17 years, starting right back in the Active Sport days. As our Administrative Office Manager, she has kept the team running effectively throughout that time, and will be sorely missed by the team and partners alike.  We would like to wish Leigh well in her retirement and to wish Nici every success in her business venture.





Georgia Phillips has recently joined the SASSOT team as our new Social Media and Digital Marketing Apprentice.   Georgia will be working on improving our social media
presence and on helping us to maximise the opportunities these media forms present.

Hi, my name is Georgia Phillips and I am the new Social Media and Marketing Apprentice at Sports Across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. I started on the 9th October and will be working within the SASSOT team to help develop their social media presence and support key marketing functions.  I will be working towards a Level 3 Digital Marketer qualification and will correlate my work needed for the modules with the social media and marketing content I will be producing for SASSOT.

My previous experience within this field includes Level 3 ICT and Level 3 Creative Media Studies. I thoroughly enjoyed studying these and I am excited to work to a similar qualification within my new role. I have a personal interest in these subjects and in using social media platforms, which I hope will benefit me within this role.

I am looking forward to my new role and hopefully future here at Sports Across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

If you wish to get in contact with me please use the details below;
Georgia Phillips
T: 01785 619599


Sarah Bixter will be joining us shortly, on 9th November, as our part-time Administrative Office Manager (normally working Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays).