SASSOT Updates

Tuesday 28th August 2018

Interim Director’s Update

As you may be aware from previous editions of our e-newsletter, our Director Jude Taylor has recently started her maternity leave.  We are still awaiting any news on this front, but I’m sure you’ll join us in wishing Jude and her family all the best for the new arrival…

During Jude’s maternity leave, I will be taking on the role of Interim Director with Ben Hollands moving into the role of Strategic Lead.  Having worked for SASSOT in several different roles since 2007, I am looking forward to this new challenge and will focus on ensuring we deliver against the outcomes identified in our new Strategy

I’ll provide regular updates for this e-newsletter, but in the meantime I can be contacted on 01785 619187 /

Jane Kracke, Interim Director

Midlands Psychology

SASSOT are working with Midlands Psychology, a not-for-profit social enterprise providing autism services for children in Staffordshire, to implement their autism focused programme Keep Achieving. Having provided Midlands Psychology with some initial support to develop their bid to Sport England’s Families fund last year, we were delighted to hear that they had been awarded £318,000 to deliver their proposals. Keep Achieving will combine bespoke sessions for children and their families alongside training and support to existing providers to create a comprehensive autism friendly sport and physical activity offer across Staffordshire.

SASSOT has been sharing our knowledge about the local provider network and helping Midlands Psychology develop the necessary due diligence processes needed to manage their project moving forward. We will continue to support Midlands Psychology over the coming months and have agreed to join their project board.

Ben Hollands, Partnerships Manager

Staffordshire SPACE Scheme

The SPACE Scheme is well and truly underway under the (typically unusual) bliss of the Staffordshire sunshine. A variety of fun and engaging activities are running across the county during the 6 weeks holidays to help young people become active and enjoy the vast outdoor spaces that Staffordshire has to offer. The SPACE Scheme has kicked off with sporting activities, creative sessions and exciting trips-out to ensure that all children across the county have great opportunities to become physically active and prevent the stigma of boredom often voiced during the summer holidays. A variety of local organisations, clubs and community groups are operating these exciting opportunities in your area so make sure you get involved!

Find out more here

David Richards, Communities and Insight Officer