SASSOT Updates

Tuesday 15th October 2019

Director Update


Oh the rain … I can’t remember such a wet October – it’s definitely put a dampener on my running (squelching trainers make me shudder!).

I watched the UCI World Road Championship in Harrogate with total awe  – I’m sure you all saw some of the coverage online but the rain was torrential all week, at times it looked like athletes were swimming not cycling!

Nonetheless, brilliant to host another world event in the UK. Massive credit to all of the volunteers and spectators who lined the course; the definition of true Yorkshire grit!

Earlier in the month SASSOT hosted an Open Data workshop in Stafford and we were delighted to welcome Local Authorities and Leisure Trusts from across the county.

During the day we reflected on how Open Data has revolutionised both the travel and takeaway industries, and spent time discussing how we could make the most of this technology to encourage more people to become more active.

The first of many sessions on this topic no doubt, but an exciting start!  In the afternoon we walked partners through our new Evaluation Framework tool, which we have developed in conjunction with Tiller Research.

This will allow us collectively to better understand the impact of our work.  Thanks to whole team for their input on the day but in particular to Naomi for leading the sessions.

Stay tuned for more information on Open Data in our upcoming newsletters.

Our marketing theme this month is mental health; the NHS launched their brilliant “Every Mind Matters” campaign last week.

It’s a great mechanism to encourage people to talk about their mental health and is supported by lots of practical tools to help people to cope with low level mental health issues.

Of course physical activity plays an important role in this, so please share it widely.


Jude Taylor, Director