Funding Updates

Tuesday 15th October 2019

How quick is 2019 going? October is here already and whilst the kids will be dressing up to go trick or treating, why not a look through this month’s funding newsletter!

This month’s publication includes an exciting new fund looking to support men’s health, as well as two valuable funding opportunities to help kick-start your project and get the ball rolling towards achieving your goals.

We hope you find this month’s newsletter both interesting and informative!




The GVC Onward Fund

Amount available: Up to £5,000

Deadline: Monday 28th October 2019

Suitable for: Constituted Community Groups, Residents’ Associations, Community Centres, Social Enterprises, Community Interest Companies, Credit Unions and Charities

Description: Supported and facilitated by the Staffordshire Community Foundation, the GVC Onward Fund is now open to aid project ideas that have a focus on sport and health; with a specific focus on men’s health. Looking to offer support to projects that benefit those 18+, small and locally-based organisations will be prioritised within areas of distinct disadvantage; they will also hold lived experience and understanding of the issues in which the project is looking to alleviate. Please click on the link in the subtitle to the Staffordshire Community Foundations website.


Magic Little Grants

Amount available: £500

Deadline: 30th November 2019

Suitable for: Local charities, community groups and organisations

Description: Local Giving have teamed up with the Postcode Community Trust to offer a grant of £500 to small charities and community groups with a focus on supporting engaging physical activity initiatives. Programmes funded by the Magic Little Grants will hold a primary aim to support and inspire people to take part in physical activity in order to help break down barriers and improve physical health. To access the fund, you will also need to sign up to a Local Giving membership which is a free opportunity that is being offered alongside this fund. Please click the link in the subtitle for further information.


The Tudor Trust

Amount available: No limit for grant applications (please note, it is unusual for the trust to accept awards of £10,000

Deadline: No current deadline

Suitable for: Please see the exclusions list on the Tutor Trust website (follow the link in the title)

Description: As a grant-making charitable trust, the Tudor Trust aims to provide funds for a wide-range of organisations that work to bring about positive change to people and communities across the UK. They distribute funds based on identified issues and developing solutions that organisations demonstrate, rather than base the worthwhileness of a project on national and local agendas. Please note that the Trust cannot fund sport and leisure projects without a strong social welfare focus.


Peter Cruddas Foundation

Amount available: No minimum or maximum – each grant will be awarded based on application and project merits

Deadline: 1st March 2020

Suitable for: Registered charities are welcome to apply

Description: The Peter Cruddas Foundation is looking to offer funding for programmes that help disadvantaged young people (aged 16 to 30) into valuable employment, training and education opportunities and pathways. Sport and physical activity can be a fantastic starting point to build upon soft skills, leadership and coaching competencies; all of which are admirable to offer the best chance into volunteering, further training and employment. If you have a great idea to how sport and physical activity can achieve this aim, click the link in the subtitle for further information.


#IWILL Funding

Amount available: Between £1,000 and £5,000

Deadline: 13th November 2019

Suitable for: Registered charities, constituted community groups and other charitable organisations including Social Enterprises and CICs in England

Description: Facilitated and supported by the Staffordshire Community Foundation, the #IWILL fund is open once again to offer financial benefit to your social action ideas. Focusing on six principles of social action, the funding will look to support projects that deliver such 0pportunities to young people age 10 to 20 years old, or 25 for disabled people.  If you have an idea for how a physical activity intervention can incorporate social action, please click the link in the subtitle for further information.


Success Stories


At Sport Across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, we want to celebrate the successes of local clubs, groups, charities and individuals in receiving funding for worthwhile causes.

Have you recently been successful in an application for funding? Maybe, you want to celebrate the benefit that a funded project has had on an individual or group through sport and physical activity? If so, let us know and we can include your stories in our next ‘Success Stories’ bulletin!


Please contact:

David Richards
Communities and Insight Officer
07800 619693


Tip of the Month!


Make sure to consider monitoring and evaluation early on!


We all know that planning is key when writing funding applications. It helps to be clear, concise and have the all the bases covered when evidencing why your programme has the best impact it possibly can. However, what happens if what you plan doesn’t actually ‘go to plan’?

This is where understanding and explaining how you will monitor and evaluate each aspect of your programme becomes critical. It will allow you to not only offer assurances to the funder that issues will be dealt in systematic ways, it also helps to gather learning that can be incorporated into future project applications.

Some funders will have a certain framework or specific objectives that you will have to monitor and evaluate against throughout so spending time to ensure that these align is really important.


For further tips and guidance, please visit our funding pages by following the link here.


For more info …


This only provides a snapshot of the different funding streams that can be accessed for sport and physical activity initiatives and projects.

Please follow the link here to our funding pages for more useful hints and tips as well as more funding streams that you can access.


For further information, please contact:

David Richards
Communities and Insight Officer
07800 619693