Supporting customers with musculoskeletal conditions event

Wednesday 30th October 2019

Encourage your customers with long-term musculoskeletal conditions to be more active.

Be part of the solution to improving their health.


The We are Undefeatable campaign is encouraging people with long term conditions to be more active.

Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are the most common long-term conditions, affecting around 18 million people in the UK of all ages.

Being more active is beneficial to people with MSK conditions in almost all cases, so these messages will be reinforced by doctors.


When: 3rd December, 10:30am-4pm
Where: Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regents Park Road, London NW1 7AY


Speakers include:


  • David Vaux, Therapies manager and Exercise project lead Arthritis Action
  • Benjamin Ellis, Senior Clinical Policy Advisor, Versus Arthritis
  • Rebecca Jones, National Partnerships Lead Health and Inactivity, Sport England
  • Simon Chapman, Deputy Director Personalised Care Group, NHS England
  • Ben Wilkins, CEO, Good Boost


You will learn:


  • The different types of MSK conditions and how physical activity can help them
  • Understanding pain, how to support people in pain who want to be active, and why you should.
  • How to create a comfortable environment for people who may struggle to be active and keep them coming back
  • Specialist programmes and activities you could consider including in your offer
  • Social prescribing and engaging with your local NHS


Who should attend?


  • Managers in gyms, leisure centres, swimming pools, any provider of activity.
  • Companies and voluntary organisations providing activities such as running or cycling clubs, walking groups, etc.
  • Local government leisure services and public health staff.


Register for the event here.