County Sports Partnership Update – Feb 2016

Wednesday 3rd February 2016


More funding awarded for Sportivate delivery in 2016/17

We have just received some fantastic news that we have gained an additional £48,326 to spend on Sportivate delivery for year 6 (2016/17).

Put into context we have gained the highest amount in the region by nearly £20,000 and the 5th highest amount in the country out of the 45 County Sport Partnership areas. This added to our annual population share of Sportivate funding now means we have over £200,000 to spend on Sportivate for year 6 (2016/17) This is fantastic and means we have been able to fund a lot more of the applications that we received at Christmas as again we were massively over subscribed.

Thank you to all our coaches, leads and deliverers for your hard work and efforts in targeting new and more challenging audiences this year which will allow even more young people to engage in Sportivate activities throughout 2016/17 in Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent.

Claire Greenwood
Sportivate Manager
Tel: 01785 619258

This Girl Can and Sportivate

The This Girl Can campaign has been having an impact at Sportivate sessions the last few weeks and here are a few snippets of what’s been going on:

This Girl Can Burton Boxing Club
This Girl Can at Rugeley NetballThis Girl Can at Rugeley Back to Netball and Burton Boxing Club

66 ladies attended the first Rugeley Back to Netball session along with TGC at Burton Boxing Club and Staffordshire University.

Jump to It trampolinist Beth McFarlane and dance leaders in Lichfield.

And finally Stoke-on-Trent Us Girls Ambassadors; Star, Caleigh and Chloe

Jump to It trampolining
Jump to It trampolining
Dance Leaders in Lichfield
Dance Leaders in Lichfield
Stoke on Trent Us Girls Ambassador
Stoke-on-Trent Us Girls Ambassador


Workshop: How to Deliver Engaging Sessions for Young People

Sport England’s research shows a dropout rate across most sports around the ages of 14–25. This is a practical-based workshop that will develop your coaching to help you better meet the needs of this age group. Through the use of practical examples you will learn about new participants’ needs, including how to build their self-confidence, motivation and self-esteem. This in turn will help you improve the coaching experience of young people and help to ensure they keep coming back for more sport.

You Will Learn How to Identify:

  • different stages of young people’s participation development
  • differences in coaching styles that meet young people’s requirements
  • differences in coaching styles in different environments: schools, satellite clubs, colleges, universities and clubs.

Venue : Stafford College (Sports Hall Reception), Earl Street, Stafford,  ST16 2QR

Date : Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Time :  18:00 to 21:00 (GMT)

The cost of this course will be £15 plus booking fee, for further information and to book on to this workshop please visit

For further information, please contact;

Chloe Groves, Satellite Club Links Officer

T: 01785 619 177 / 07814131074


Education and Training programme

As part of our Education and Training partnership with Sport Structures and Newcastle-Under-Lyme College, the following workshops are available for booking:

Sports Coach UK Safeguarding and Protecting Children

Thursday 17th March 2016
Friary Grange Leisure Centre, Lichfield from 18:30 – 21:30.
Cost is £35 per person and you can book your place here.

Community Life Support (First Aid)

Monday 7th March 2016
Friary Grange Leisure Centre, Lichfield from 18:30 – 21:30.
Cost is £25 per person and you can book your place here.

If you have any questions about bookings for the above workshops, please contact Sport Structures directly on 0845 2417195 or

Details of workshop taking place at Newcastle-Under-Lyme College will be available shortly and will be advertised on our website.

Lee Booth
Workforce and Development Coaching Development Manager
T: 01785 619730