British Blind Sport Update

Tuesday 16th February 2016

British Blind Sport National Visually Impaired Youth Swimming Gala 2016

British Blind Sport is pleased to confirm the 2016 date for the charity’s annual National Visually Impaired (VI) Youth Swimming Gala as  Saturday 16th April.  The prestigious event will take place in the West Midlands at the Tudor Grange Leisure Centre, Solihull from 2:00pm-6:00pm and is free to all blind and partially sighted children aged between 8 – 17 years old.

Read full press release

Launch of Generic resource to help sport leaders

British Blind Sport, the National Disability Sport Organisation committed to enhancing and improving sport and physical activity for people living with sight loss, is pleased to announce the publication of its fifth Educational Resource.

The ‘Visually Impaired Friendly Sport’ Resource offers in-depth guidance and advice to help sport providers learn more about the impairment and how to adapt and modify sport to ensure any sports or physical activity session is inclusive and accessible to a person with a visual impairment.

‘Visually Impaired Friendly Sport’ follows a series of sport specific resources published by British Blind Sport over the last 2 years. This resource was developed as a reaction to feedback from parents of children with a visual impairment, who find that their children are often left out of mainstream PE lessons or sports sessions.

By utilising this resource, coaches, PE Teachers and sports leaders will:

  • Understand sight loss
  • Gain knowledge of specific eye conditions
  • Learn about guiding and supporting VI people
  • Adapt and modify sports and physical activity to include visually impaired people into mainstream sessions
  • Understand the pathways available for VI people

View the full news item

A guide to visually impaired friendly sport (28 pages)

This resource is all about helping sport providers to be VI friendly through their provision of activities, training, resources and  support. These include:

  • Sports Coaches
  • PE Teachers
  • Community Coaches
  • Multi-sport / Multi-skill Coaches
  • Sports Clubs
  • Volunteers
  • Fitness Industry Professionals
  • Sport Development Professionals

By making small and simple adaptations you will be able to include people with a visual impairment in your sports and activity sessions. The information and tips that you will find in this resource will be beneficial to all the participants in your group, not just people with a visual impairment.

Download a copy Also available as a Word document