Give Skiing A Go!

Monday 4th April 2016

Skiing is an exciting sport which many disabled people believe they are unable to take part in. The sport has been adapted in many ways to encourage and to become more inclusive to all abilities whether it’s learning, sensory or physical. Disability Snowsport UK which is based at the Tamworth Snowdome provides sessions for all ages and welcomes all, has access to the right equipment, facilities and instruction specialised for disabled people to be able to experience skiing.


The above picture is a sit-ski. This piece of equipment allows people with different disabilities and wheelchair users to be able to enjoy the sport. The above chair sits on two skis, known as a bi-ski; however many other types of specialised equipment are available to allow anyone with any disability to be able to access the slopes and enjoy the amazing experience ski-ing brings.

With the support of the instructor, they will ensure you are safe by making sure you are strapped in and with the instructor in control behind the ski-sit, they will assist and ski you down the slope. This truly does allow you to appreciate what it feels like coming down the slopes, feeling the rush of wind in your face!

Many disabled people have never even considered skiing as an activity to do as they have been under the impression that they are unable too, if this has been the case why not try something new and you’ll be incredibly impressed.

To find out more about disability skiing contact Paul Williams:

07810 263357

