Deaf Awareness Week

Tuesday 3rd May 2016

Deaf Awareness Week which ran during 2-8 May 2016 and the theme this year was ‘Common Purpose’. Promoted by the UK Council on Deafness, the week long campaign celebrates collaborative work that makes a difference to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. The facts Action on Hearing Loss says there is over 11 million people in the UK with some form of hearing loss. That’s one in six of the UK population and this number is expected to grow to 15.6 million by 2035. According to Sport England’s Active people survey 9, 2015, sports participation is lowest amongst people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Only 10.1% of deaf adults take part in sport once a week, compared to 39.3% of non-disabled adults. In contrast, last year (2015) we conducted our first national sport and physical activity survey. The results of which reported a clear latent demand for more accessible sporting opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing people.

Key Findings:

  • More than eight in ten (83 per cent) people surveyed report that they are physically active at least once a week.
  • However, less than half (46 per cent) of those surveyed currently play sport. In addition to those currently playing sport, a further one in three people surveyed (32 per cent) expressed an interest in playing sport in the future.
  • Eight in ten (81 per cent) would prefer to take part in sport in a mixed environment, with both deaf and hearing people. For more results click here.