Did You Know – 17 Jan 2017

Wednesday 21st December 2016

CPSU – A new Code for Sports Governance published

A new Code for Sports Governance was launched on 31 October 2016. It sets out good-governance requirements for sports bodies to receive public funding.

Future developments
The Code will be supported by other guidance and resources that are currently being developed. There’ll be clear links with the report of the Duty of Care review, the comprehensive independent review of safety and welfare in sport – including safeguarding. This is due for publication in the near future.

The Sport Safeguarding Partnership in England and the Sport Safeguarding Strategy Group in Wales will be producing responses to the Code. They’ll also support the development of revised and new guidance to support its implementation.

Organisational culture with regard to safeguarding is, in our view, the single biggest area of risk to young athletes and to the integrity of sport and should have a higher profile for the boards of sports bodies.
View the full news item

HMRC CASC status ** IMPORTANT NEWS JANUARY 2017 ** for clubs registered as a CASC before 1st April 2015.  cascinfo.co.uk

As of 1st April 2015 the CASC rules changed and these CASCs were given until 1st April 2016 to check they met the new rules. In order to remain a CASC, clubs have to comply with these new rules on an on-going basis. HMRC wrote to all these CASCs in 2015 regarding the rule changes and what was required of them. If your club has not yet done what was required of them it may not be too late.  Please see our short general guide on the new rules and the news for further information and the latest developments. Source of information 

sports coach UK
Animation developed to explain Youth Physical Development Model

Sports Coach UK and Sport Scotland have developed a short animation detailing the ‘Youth Physical Development Model’ and what this means for the development of ‘Fundamental Movement Skills’.

This model was developed by Dr Rhodri Lloyd and Dr Jon Oliver of Cardiff Metropolitan University; recognised as two world leading experts in the field. This ‘Youth Physical Development Model’ is based on evidence that shows that youth participants of both genders are responsive to training throughout childhood and adolescence. Coaches really can make a difference at all stages of development.

This video brings to life the ‘Youth Physical Development Model’ by defining each term used in the model and explaining the differences between the male and female versions.

The Sports Coach UK ‘Fundamentals of Movement’ workshop gives coaches a full understanding of this model and fundamental skills coaches can include in their coaching sessions. Access the animation

sports coach UK
Insurance Guidance Toolkit

It is important that coaches working across all settings and roles (voluntary or paid) are appropriately insured. This tool is for organisations that directly deploy and employ coaches, or organisations that provide insurance for affiliated coaches deployed within affiliated organisations (e.g. clubs). It will help you to:

  • understand your responsibilities with regard to insuring coaches
  • secure the right insurance for those who organise and facilitate coaching and physical activity sessions, especially the newly emerging roles that support inactive people to get active (activation roles).

 Also view the FAQ

Guide to Help You Undertake a Risk Assessment for Your Session. sports coach UK

Whether you are delivering a coaching session or facilitating an activity, it is good practice to undertake a risk assessment at the start of the session, and continue to review the safety of the activity all the way through. Download a copy

Making the most of Social Media Campaigns

Have you got new activity sessions coming up and could link to any of the campaigns listed below? If so, please let us know by tagging in @SASSOTCSP or message us on Facebook (SportAcrossStaffordshireandSOT) and we’ll share your post.

Date Campaign How to get involved Social Media Handle – join in the conversation using the #hashtags below
1 – 31 Jan Dry January Join the thousands and bid the booze goodbye and keep January dry! http://dryjanuary.org.uk  Love Your Liver  @dryjanuary @LoveYourLiverTU
27-Jan This Girl Can – next phase is an evolution not a revolution A national campaign developed by Sport England to inspire more women and girls aged 14-60 to become active no matter how they do it, how they look or even how sweaty they get. @ThisGirlCanUK#thisgirlcan
1-28 Feb Active Lunch Workplace Challenge initiative #ActiveLunch @WorkplaceChall
07 Feb School Games – Winter Festival Fenton Manor, SoT #Staffs_StokeSG

Naomi Bird
Knowledge, Communications & Equalities Manager
T: 01785 619585
E: nbird@staffordbc.gov.uk