Sport England Update – 14 Feb 2017

Tuesday 14th February 2017

Further funding to keep nation active

New investment to help national governing bodies build on the millions of people already doing sport and activity We’re investing £101 million of National Lottery and Government funding into a further 25 national governing bodies of sport (NGB) to get more people playing sport regularly and keeping that healthy habit.

Our latest investment follows on from the £88 million announced last December to help 26 NGBs deliver their grassroots sport programmes. Full sport-by-sport breakdown of funding for February 2017 decision round

View the full news item

Funding for volunteering 

Our new strategy, Volunteering in an Active Nation, sets out our plans to enable more people to engage in all types of volunteering through sport and physical activity. Our aim is to enable people from all walks of life to enjoy the benefits of volunteering in sport and physical activity – whatever their background, age or interests. And we want to make the experience as appealing and rewarding as possible for everyone.

To help achieve this, we have two new funds that aim to create exciting new volunteering and social action opportunities:

  • Potentials Fund targets children and young people aged 10 to 20 (with a particular focus on 10-14 year-olds)
  • Opportunity Fund targets people, especially adults, from disadvantaged areas.

Key facts Objectives:

  • Enable young people and adults from disadvantaged communities to experience the benefits of taking part in quality volunteering opportunities, using sport or physical activity
  • Learn about what works to support different groups of people into volunteering
  • Find successful approaches which can be replicated or scaled up.

Value: Up to £3m per fund

  • Opening: End of February 2017
  • Anticipated size of bids: c. £50,000 per year – but if you have larger ambitions, please contact us directly to discuss your ideas
  • Project length: Approx. three years
  • Deadline for expressions of interest: 24 April 2017

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