Award-Winning Staffordshire Sailors had Royal Appointment

Tuesday 15th November 2016

HRH The Princess Royal Presents South Staffs Sailors with RYA Volunteer Awards

Three South Staffs Sailing Club sailors had their contribution to grassroots sailing recognised by Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal at the 2016 RYA Volunteer Awards on Friday (18 November). 

William Bradburn, from Seighford, received an RYA Lifetime Commitment Award, for individuals who have shown exceptional commitment and dedication to their club or organisation for at least 15 years, while Neil Hawkins, who lives in Penkridge, collected an Outstanding Contribution Award, for individuals who have made a significant volunteer contribution either over a period of time or a ‘one-off’ effort, at the RYA’s annual awards ceremony. 

HRH The Princess Royal Presents South Staffs Sailors with RYA Volunteer Awards
(left to right) William Bradburn, Neil Hawkins & Mark Fleming

Meanwhile there was an RYA Youth Award for 23-year-old Mark Fleming from Stafford. This award recognises those under the age of 25 who have demonstrated a regular commitment and/or inspirational contribution over-and-above their own participation or achievement within the sport. 

The RYA Volunteer Awards are considered the ‘MBEs’ of the sport and 44 people from across Britain were honoured for their exceptional generosity and commitment to boating at the ceremony and exclusive luncheon held at One Great George Street, Westminster. 

All three South Staffs winners have made a massive difference in the club encouraging more local people to get out on the water at Gailey Reservoir regularly, leading to the club being named the RYA Club of the Year and winning the Community Sport and Recreation Award for Britain’s best community sports club inside the last five years. 

Neil said: “We need volunteers for every single club activity from junior to adult training, safety cover, galley, management committees and even the South Staffs band! There are so many social events too and every single person is needed to keep the club working as well as it does.” 

Watch a video of the day 

Sarah Treseder, RYA Chief Executive, continued: “The RYA Volunteer Awards recognise the genuinely exceptional voluntary contributions that are given by so many individuals who make a real impact in boating.” 

Alistair Dickson, RYA Director of Sport Development, added: “These volunteers are making our sport happen and without them local people wouldn’t be getting out on the water and enjoying all the activities they do. It’s really important we take the time to say thank you.”  

The trio were nominated by their club and selected as winners by the RYA Honours and Awards Panel. HRH The Princess Royal presented a total of 23 Lifetime Commitment Awards, nine Outstanding Contribution and two Youth Awards in addition to a number of other special categories. 

For more information about how to get out on the water in the Midlands visit


Award-Winning Rudyard Lake Sailor has Royal Appointment

A Rudyard Lake SC sailor will be presented with one of the Royal Yachting Association’s most prestigious awards by HRH The Princess Royal, President of the RYA, this week in recognition of his commitment to his sailing club. 

Geoff Holmes- photo credit Martin Lilley

Geoff Holmes will receive an RYA Lifetime Commitment Award, which recognises individuals who have shown exceptional commitment and dedication to their club or organisation for at least 15 years, at the RYA’s annual awards ceremony in London next Friday (18 November). 

Now 81, Geoff was a founder member of Rudyard Lake SC, near Leek, which celebrated its 60th anniversary this year. Still active at the club, Geoff, who lives in Congleton, has held a number of senior positions at the club including Commodore and President, while he has been the club’s Senior Honorary Race Officer for over 20 years. 

Geoff’s experience was invaluable in helping to secure the future of the club during the 1990s in the face of rent and lease challenges, while his support for Rudyard Lake’s developing junior sailors is recognised with the dedication of a Holmes Trophy.  

More recently Geoff also helped instigate a new club racing initiative, a joint sailing period involving both adults and juniors, to encourage more people to sail and race more often. The success of this in getting more people on the water was a key factor in Rudyard Lake SC being shortlisted for the 2016 RYA Club of the Year Award. 

With his annual dinner dance speeches, often accompanied by wigs, costumes and entertaining anecdotes, having become the stuff of club legend, Geoff has the rare ability to offer valued guidance based on years of experience whilst always remaining willing to support change to move the club and the sport of sailing forwards. 

Geoff said: “When the letter arrived informing me of this award, I felt total disbelief and it was a huge surprise. It made me feel very humble and proud to receive such an honour.  

“When I arrived at Rudyard Lake SC with my new shiny Enterprise I was greeted by the Commodore and immediately felt welcome. He organised my berth and even arranged for someone to rig the boat and get me on the water. The club had just moved to a new site, with a derelict building, overgrown land, rocks along the waters edge and no utilities.  

“It soon became clear that a nucleus of founder members had set out to establish one of the finest family clubs around. The next 10 years were to be some of the happiest of my life. As well as the club racing, I competed around the North West circuit. I was also happy to become involved in the development of the club and joined the committees. Those spartan early days were very special to members. 

“Because of the first impression I had when I arrived at the club, for the next 50+ years I have tried to do the same, giving my time helping in any small way to say thank you for so much pleasure I get from Rudyard Lake SC.”  

Geoff was nominated for his award by his club and selected as a winner by the RYA Honours and Awards Panel. For more information about how to get out on the water in the Midlands visit