FREE Club Matters workshops for sports clubs

Wednesday 2nd March 2016

Bookings are now live for the following Club Matters workshops:

Club Marketing Strategy

Tuesday 24th May 2016
Trentham High School, Allerton Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8PQ
FREE with a limited number of places available. Book your place here

With so many marketing options out there it can leave you in a muddle. This seminar will guide you through the marketing minefield and help you attract new members, raise funds or enhance your club’s profile. Launch your marketing mission today.

This workshop covers:

Shaping up your marketing strategy- what to consider
Fit to follow framework – to develop your club’s strategy
Methods to motivate – considering different marketing options
Evaluating your efforts – focus your energy effectively

Understanding your Club Finances

Monday 6th June 2016
Stafford Leisure Centre, Lammascote Rd, Stafford, ST16 3TA
FREE with a limited number of places available. Book your place here

Are you baffled by balance sheets or afraid of your accounts? This seminar will give you the tools to tackle your clubs finances and help you make better decisions. Get your finances fit for the future.

This workshop covers:

Exercises to help you easily review and understand your club accounts
Demystifying accounting concepts
Ideas to help you improve your clubs finances
Methods to help you to communicate your clubs finances effectively

Developing a Business Plan

Tuesday 28th June 2016
Trentham High School, Allerton Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8PQ
FREE with a limited number of places available. Book your place here

Do you have a dream for your club but struggle to make progress? This seminar will help you put together a simple yet effective business plan for your club to help you plan a brighter future and take real steps to reach your goals. Stop dreaming, start doing.

This workshop covers:

What a business plan can do for your club
Key players in developing a business plan
A simple framework to support your planning
Top tips of what to include in your plan and common pitfalls to watch out for

Understanding the Options for Club Structures

Monday 11th July 2016
Stafford Leisure Centre, Lammascote Rd, Stafford, ST16 3TA
FREE with a limited number of places available
. Book your place here.

It is important that sports clubs take the time to explore different club structures. By attending this workshop you will gain an understanding of what structure is right for your club to enable success and stability.

This workshop covers:

The importance of your club structure
An overview of different legal structures
Top tips for becoming incorporated
Selecting the best status for your club, including CASC, charities and CIO’s
Getting to grips with gift aid

Understanding the Tax Requirements for your Club People

Tuesday 19th July 2016
Trentham High School, Allerton Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8PQ
FREE with a limited number of places available. Book your place here.

Tax can be taxing but knowing your obligations is vital to avoid any nasty surprises. This seminar will help you understand more about the main PAYE and employment status issues affecting sports clubs and put you on track to take the pain out of PAYE.

This workshop covers:

Know your team – volunteer, worker or employee benefits & risks of each?
Employment status – tests, guides & examples
Juggling expenses – employees, clubs, individuals
Staying out in front – recent developments (RTI & AE)

For further information, please contact;

Nadine Barnard, School Games Coordinator and Club Development Manager


T: 01785 619726

Club Matters

Our monthly Webinar series ‘Club Matters navigation of tools and resources’ continues to run and we are now welcoming clubs to join these sessions.

  • Friday, 4th March 10:30am – 12noon
  • Tuesday, 5th April 6:00pm – 7:30pm
  • Friday, 6th May 10:30am – 12noon

If you, your colleagues or clubs would like to attend one of these monthly Webinar sessions, simply click this link to sign up. Please note that to receive the details for the Webinar sign in, each attendee will need to register for the session from a separate Club Matters account.

Sport England/Club Matters Community Asset: Community Rights for Sport Guidance

Is your local pitch or pavilion at risk of closure? Now you can do something about it Did you know that you can use new community rights to protect your local sports pitch, pavilion, sports hall, or swimming pool? Did you know that these rights can also give you the right to bid to buy that facility? With increasing pressure on local authority spending, using community rights represent an opportunity for you to take control.

How to use community rights

By listing sports facilities as Asset of Community Value, you can help protect them from being closed, mothballed or sold by giving the local community the right to bid for them. By initiating a Right to Bid you can then buy time to put together a bid on behalf of the local community. You can also transfer sports assets to your club, or a community organisation, without going through these stages by agreeing a transfer with your local authority. Taking control of sports assets can help your club grow; develop new opportunities; secure its future and be more engaged with other local people and organisations, placing your club at the heart of your communities.

How the guide can help you The Community Assets Guidance is here to help you understand what it is you can do with these new rights as well as how you can go about getting involved. It also highlights where you can get support, and funding, to help you do this.

The Purpose of this guide is to:

  • Provide a simple step by step guide so sports organisations know how new legislation might enable them to protect, buy or run local sports facilities
  • Outline the new provisions in the Localism Act 2011 for community rights that sports clubs can use them to protect, buy or run local sports facilities
  • Signpost sports clubs to further advice from Sport England and other agencies as well as to funding and in-kind support that may help them develop proposals under the new rights.

Go straight to the topic on Club Matters website

Growing club membership with Club Matters

Dartford Orienteering Klubb wanted to increase their club membership, and were looking for new and innovative ways to encourage more people to try Orienteering. Andrew, Chair of Dartford Orienteering Klubb, accessed various Club Matters resources as a result of attending a Club Matters workshop on Marketing.

The club took up the offer of working with a Club Matters mentor, helping them to focus on a small number of new initiatives to help them grow their membership. This hard work from the club has seen their membership base increase more in the last 3 months than in the previous 2 years.  View the case study

Got a great Club Matters story? The ‘catch up with clubs’ pages of the Club Matters website are full of real-life stories from clubs. We also have a regular ‘blog of the best bits’ feature and our Club Matters You Tube channel also hosts a range of videos from clubs, CSPs and Club Matters all about how and why to access the resources.  Each of these shows real life clubs sharing their experiences of Club Matters and how it has helped them to improve their club. We have found that clubs take comfort and confidence from hearing the success stories of others and are therefore encouraged to benefit from the support for themselves too. So please feel free to share these with your clubs. We are always keen to hear how your clubs are using Club Matters and the impact on their development. If you have any clubs who would be interested in sharing their success stories then do get in touch at and your clubs could be featuring on the Club Matters website to gain some free promotion. We are looking forward to working with you as we enter our second year and hearing from you soon,

Many thanks, The Club Matters Team