County Sports Partnership Update – 11th April 2017

Tuesday 11th April 2017

Staffing update from SASSOT Board Chair, Sue Finnigan

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you all that our much valued and experienced Director, Mark Thornewill, will be leaving Sport Across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent to move on to pastures new at the end of April.  Mark has led a very successful team to be a high-performing County Sports Partnership (CSP) so we will be extremely sad to see him go.

Sport England is currently determining the future role of County Sports Partnerships such as SASSOT in supporting the delivery of their “Towards an Active Nation” strategy. In light of the independent appraisal of CSPs commissioned by central government, it is envisaged that they will play an important role going forward and SASSOT wants to ensure that we are in a strong position to support Sport England and our local partners to maximise the opportunities that the new strategy presents to the sport and physical activity agenda in our area.  Two new interim posts have been created to manage the partnership during this period of change, and the postholders commenced their roles on 10th April:

Jane Kracke – Strategic Lead – Service Delivery ( / 01785 619187)

Jude Taylor – Strategic Lead – Strategy and Relationships ( / 01785 619896)

We would like to thank Mark for his work with SASSOT and all our partners, and wish him well for the future.