Department for Culture, Media and Sport- Call for more opportunities to support young people volunteering in the community – Minister for Civil Society launches review into full-time social action by young people

Wednesday 4th January 2017

More young people should be supported to get involved in full-time social action, to develop skills, help communities and build a society that works for everyone.

That’s the call from Minister for Civil Society Rob Wilson as he launches an independent review to look at the challenges and benefits of young people committing to full-time social action (more than 16 hours a week).

The review will look at how to increase participation in full-time social action by reviewing the opportunities and barriers faced by organisations supporting young people. The advisory panel will include experts from the private and voluntary sectors and is expected to make recommendations to the Minister for Civil Society by October 2017.

Rob Wilson said:

By helping others, young people can also transform their own lives. Full-time volunteering can provide meaning and purpose, as well as allowing young people to gain the skills they need to transition into full-time work or study. I want to make sure that we encourage as many young people as possible to get involved and make a difference in their communities, building a society for everyone.

The Chair and panel members will be announced in the New Year.