England Golf Awards 2018- Nominations now open!

Thursday 9th November 2017

The search is on for the heroes of English golf; the people, clubs and counties who make the game great.

To nominate please complete the easy-to-follow nomination form by clicking the’ nominate here’ tab above this text. The closing date is midnight on Thursday 30 November 2017.


Club of the Year sponsored by HowDidiDo

Explain why your club should be voted Club of the Year by helping the judges understand its inspiring, forward-thinking approach to:

·         Providing a warm welcome and a fun and friendly environment for everyone

·         Developing and implementing a business plan and achieving its business goals

·         Understanding its market and attracting new players and members

·         Getting existing members playing more and making more use of the club

·         Enhancing coaching and playing opportunities for everyone

·         Playing a positive and growing role in community life

·         Having all the right policies and procedures in place

·         Becoming a more environmentally aware and active club


Most Welcoming Golf Club

Tell us why your club should win this year’s Most Welcoming Club of the Year award, bringing out how it has gone above and beyond to:

·         Reach, engage and delight new volunteers, juniors, players and members

·         Provide a consistently warm and helpful welcome for every single visitor

·         Persuade more women, youngsters and people from ethnic minorities to give golf a go

·         Become a thriving, integral part of the local community


County of the Year

Describe why your county has had a truly stand-out year and deserves to win our County of the Year award, giving insights into its activities and achievements related to:

·         Enhancing existing or pioneering new initiatives and programmes

·         Strengthening internal operations or business model

·         Putting players and clubs at the heart of its work

·         Developing county action plans and bringing them to life


Volunteer of the Year

Tell us about a person whose commitment and contribution make them a real contender for the title Volunteer of the Year. We’d like to know about their:

·         Approach and personality

·         Activities and achievements

·         Ideas and innovations

·         Impact on your club/facility

·         Impact on the game of golf


Young Ambassador of the Year

Tell us about a young person who is passionate about golf, represents the very best of their generation and deserves to compete for the Young Ambassador of the Year award, describing their:

·         Approach and personality

·         Activities and achievements

·         Ideas and innovations

·         Impact on your club/facility

·         Impact on the game of golf

The young person must be under 25 on the day of the Award Ceremony


Coach of the Year

We want to find the most inspirational coach in England, someone whose passion for golf is matched by their coaching ability and commitment to growing the game, so we’re looking to learn more about how your nominee:

·         Reaches, inspires and supports players new to the game

·         Enables existing players to get even more from the game

·         Helps promising players realise their ambitions and potential

·         Develops their own skills as well as new ideas and initiatives

The nominated coach must be PGA accredited


Lifetime Service Award

Introduce us to a person who has made a remarkable contribution to the game of golf over many years and who clearly deserves wider recognition as the recipient of our Lifetime Service Award, by explaining:

·         Who they are and how long they’ve supported your club/facility/county

·         What they have done to help grow the game

·         How they’ve made a difference for volunteers and visitors

·         How they’ve helped your club/facility/county support players and members

·         Why their contribution has been so valuable and so appreciated


To enter the awards click here