Everyone More Active More Often – SASSOT’s 2016-2017 Annual Report

Monday 24th July 2017

Annual Report – Everyone More Active More Often

SASSOT’s Annual Report for 2016/17 has just been published and is available to view.

The report sets out the achievements of the Partnership and contains many examples of joint working making a real impact on increasing participation in sport, PE and physical activity.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the Annual Report and to making 2016/17 a year of working in partnership and celebrating local success. The SASSOT team looks forward to working with new and existing Partners in the future and to building on these successes.

Download the report

Jane Kracke                                                           Jude Taylor
Strategic Lead – Service Delivery                      Strategic Lead – Strategy & Relationships
T: 01785 619187                                                   M: 07814 138917
E: jkracke@staffordbc.gov.uk                           E: jtaylor@staffordbc.gov.uk

Have you got news to share?

We hope you are enjoying the benefit of receiving our e-newsletter on a fortnightly basis.

To make the most of our free communication tool please let us have any news you’d like to promote by completing the attached template and return to Leigh Morton (lmorton@staffordbc.gov.uk)

We’d also be pleased to include any disabilit-e news and activities on offer.

Timescales for future publications are shown below.

Submission of articles can be emailed at any time; they will simply be included in the next edition of the e-news.

2017 Newsletter Release Dates
Tues 15th Aug Tues 29th Aug
Tues 12th Sept Tues 26th Sept
Tues 17th Oct Tues 31st Oct
Tues 14th Nov Tues 28th Nov


Making the most of Social Media Campaigns

Have you got new activity sessions coming up and could link to any of the campaigns listed below? If so, please let us know by tagging in @SASSOTCSP or message us on Facebook (SportAcrossStaffordshireandSOT) and we’ll share your post. 

Date Campaign How to get involved Social Media Handle – join in the conversation using the #hashtags below
21 July – 3 Sep National Fishing Month All over the country qualified coaches give their time to welcome newcomers to this marvellous sport. Fees are waived and tackle is often made available free of charge too. #NationalFishingMonth
July & Aug Change4Life – 10 minute shake up campaign Jul/Aug Get your kids moving this summer with active games inspired by all their Disney favourites.  https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=change4life


During Sept Miles for Refugees – The British Red Cross Participants chose a distance from 22 to 2,700 miles and then, throughout September, walk, swim, cycle or run to reach their target. Run, walk, swim or cycle. Registration fee: £10. Sponsorship target: £100 www.redcross.org.uk/miles
13 Sept Cycle To Work Day Encourages adults across the UK to get on their bike and give cycle commuting a go for one day. @cycletoworkday
27 Sept National Fitness Day National Fitness Day encourages the nation to celebrate the fun of fitness and physical activity across the UK. #FitnessDay
25 Sept – 1 Oct SportsAid Week Helps over 1,000 athletes across more than 60 sports each year, the majority aged 12 to 18, by providing them with an average award of £1,000. https://www.facebook.com/SportsAid/


Naomi Bird
Knowledge, Communications & Equalities Manager
T: 01785 619585
E: mailto:nbird@staffordbc.gov.uk

Job Vacancies

Don’t forget to keep checking our job vacancies page to see what’s on offer.