Funding Opportunities – 11 April 2017

Thursday 6th April 2017

Police and Crime Commissioners Funding  

For information, the Commissioner’s Proceeds of Crime (POCA) and People Power funding opportunities are now open for applications until 14 April 2017.

Applications should align to at least one of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC)  four priorities and also local community safety priorities. Guidance and full details of Timelines including processes, payout and evaluation requirements are on the PCC’s website,


Applications can be submitted by strategic community safety partners (ie those that are formally part of a community safety forum) and make a long term contribution to local community safety activities.  Applications can be made for amounts of between £3,000 and £15,000 with a view to becoming sustainable in the longer term and are progressed through policing process initially.

People Power

Applications can be submitted by community groups for values between £100 and £3,000 with a view to becoming sustainable in the longer term. Applications should be supported by local policing and carry the support of the community safety partnership, who make recommendation to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

For more information please contact Viki Ashcroft:

Gregg’s Foundation – Local Community Projects Fund

Local Community Projects Funding is offered to organisations supporting people in need. Any not for profit organisation can apply, however, larger organisations with a turnover in excess of £300,000 are unlikely to be successful.

The Fund helps organisations based in local communities to deliver projects or provide equipment to people in need at the heart of our local communities.

We are interested in projects that improve resilience within your community of interest. This can include sessional activities/respite support, equipment for sessional activities, trips and residential breaks. We are also interested in new approaches and innovative ideas as well as sustainable approaches to supporting your community of interest. We do not fund running costs or continuation of existing and ongoing work.

All projects must support a community of interest, ie people who are:

  • Disabled or suffering chronic illness
  • Living in poverty
  • Voluntary carers
  • Homeless
  • Isolated older people
  • Other demonstrable significant need

The deadline for round two applications is 24 June 2017.

“Cash4Clubs” is open!

This year, as always, you can apply for grants of £250, £500, £750 and £1000 for staff and or volunteers to take part in training, gain qualifications and certifications related to your sport.

The fund will be open until Friday the 26th of May 2017 5:00pm– applications received after this time will not be considered. The winners will be informed by Friday 28th of July 2017 on the outcome of their application and the website will have all winners announced by Monday 7th of August. If you require any support with your application or if you have any comments, concerns or questions please email

Alec Dickson Trust

The Alec Dickson Trust supports young people in the UK who want to use volunteering or community service to do brilliant things in their communities.

We think that young people are amazing and that they have the potential to make the world a better place through volunteering. So, we provide grants of up to £500 to individuals or groups of young people aged 30 or under, to help them put their ideas into action and run projects that benefit the lives of others – particularly the most marginalised and disadvantaged.

Find out more