Funding Opportunities – Nov 2016

Friday 4th November 2016

*Sport England New funding: when to apply

Here you’ll find live information about our new funding opportunities, including the key dates you need to know.

Tackling inactivity

Helping people who are inactive is one of our major priorities. Over the next four years, we’re dedicating at least 25 per cent of our total resources to tackling inactivity.

In December 2016, we will:

  • Publish an investment guide on inactivity, describing the type of projects we’re looking to support, the people we want to benefit and the outcomes we’re seeking to achieve
  • Open the first phase of our Inactivity Fund, which will focus on projects that help older adults (55+) to get active. We will be making up to £10 million of National Lottery funding available. We’re targeting older adults first because our insight tells us this age group is much more likely to be inactive: 42 per cent of people aged 55+ are inactive compared to 29 per cent of the population as a whole.

Based on the work we’ve already done on inactivity, we anticipate bids ranging from £250,000 to £500,000, but if you want to work on a smaller or larger scale, please do get in touch to discuss your ideas – we’re open to a range of options.

If you want to bid, you will need to submit your expressions of interest by noon on 13 February 2017. We plan to make the first set of awards in June 2017.


The places where people play sport have a really big impact on a person’s experience and likelihood they will come back regularly. That’s why we’re continuing to invest in all types of facilities, especially multi-sport for our major strategic investments.

In December 2016, we will:

  • Launch the first phase of our new Community Asset Fund. If you’re an organisation looking to take over sports facilities, a sports club that wants to expand or you have a great idea for a project that’s clearly needed in the local community, then this could be the fund for you. £7.5 million will be available for single and multi-sport community facilities in this phase.

Based on similar projects we’ve already supported, we expect to make awards of between £5,000 and £150,000. You’ll be able to submit your bids from the beginning of January 2017. We plan to make the first awards from April 2017 onwards. It might be that your facilities project is already right for one of our open funding programmes, like our Strategic Facilities Fund. Find out more here.

In January 2017, we will:

Publish our wider facilities investment guide, giving partners more information on the type of projects we’re looking to support, the people we want to benefit and the outcomes we’re seeking to achieve.

*Investment guides

To help those who might want to work with us as we roll out our strategy, we will be publishing a series of detailed investment guides. View the full details 

Community Foundation for Staffordshire
Grants From The Staffordshire Community Foundation

The Staffordshire Community Foundation offers many grants from ourselves, and from many other different funders.  These schemes are rarely open all year and usually tend to run in rounds.  The list of grants provided by clicking the ‘Grants’ tab above will provide a list of currently available grants.  Further information on upcoming rounds, and their opening and closing dates, can be found by searching our calendar.  Some schemes will use the same criteria for each round, whereas others may change from round to round depending on priorities.  It is important to carefully read the aims and criteria of a scheme before submitting your application.

Find out more

Small Grants in Newcastle

Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council administer a range of grants, which are made available on an annual basis. The grants provide financial support for projects that are able to demonstrate that they meet the needs of residents and have considerable community commitment and support to address issues of importance.

Read more

Third sector grants process East Staffordshire 2017/18

Applications are invited from voluntary organisations/registered charities, community groups, not for profit organisations and faith groups.

Funding may be made available for sums not exceeding £10,000 per annum for periods up to a maximum of three years (exceptions may be made for outstanding bids).

Bids should be able to demonstrate outcomes within ‘Improving Lives’ and specifically aimed at one or more of the following:

Read more

Funding Available For Stafford Groups

The small grants fund of £10,000 for the 2016/17 financial year will make awards to community and voluntary groups across the borough who meet the criteria.

Awards will usually be between £200 and £1000 per organisation and all groups must be within Stafford Borough.

From Stafford Borough Council

East Staffordshire Sports Scholarship & Awards

Applications and nominations are now invited for the 2017 East Staffordshire Sport Scholarship Awards; the annual awards will take place at Hilton at St George’s Park on Friday 10th March.

Find out more

GALAXY Hot Chocolate Fund

We are looking to help small, local community projects and groups through our GALAXY Hot Chocolate Fund.
From November 7th 2016 until February 26th 2017, we are seeking to award a total of seventy, £300 donations to help community groups and people across UK and Ireland.

Five donations will be awarded each week, four by our panel of judges and one through the People’s Choice award to the organisation with the most weekly votes.

Find out more

Co-op Local Community Fund

We’re looking for 3 projects in each of around 1,500 local communities across the UK. We’ll choose projects led by small, locally based organisations that:

  • benefit the local community centred around Co-op food stores and funeral homes
  • have the greatest possible benefit to their community
  • make maximum use of the amount of funding available

Who can apply
You can apply if you’re:

  • a registered charity
  • a small charity registered with HMRC for tax
  • a registered community amateur sports club
  • a church that’s an ‘excepted’ charity
  • a Scout or Guide group

Application deadline is 16th December. Find out more

Ron Pickering Memorial Fund

The application process for the RPMF Annual Grants takes place in the autumn of each year and is available to both able and disability UK athletes between the ages of 15 and 23. Grants to athletes over 23 may be made in exceptional circumstances.

When the application process is open an athlete will be able to apply directly using the online application form. No other method of application will be accepted and the application process is only available during this time.

The selection process then takes place in early December and the announcements of the award recipients is usually made at the end of December or early January.

Upon completion of the online application form an automatic response will be sent to the email address entered on the application form during this process, by means of confirmation of receipt of the form. If you do not receive this confirmation email then please contact us at     Read more  The application process is open until Monday 28th November.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Fundraising training opens for small local charities

Small, local charities can sign up for training in December 2016 as part of Government’s support for Local Charities Day. The training programme, recently announced by the Minister for Civil Society Rob Wilson will help small, local charities to develop their skills and generate more funds to support their vital work.

Courses range from face-to-face workshops to online learning, support from skilled volunteers and a Twitter Q&A. It will cover a range of topics including fundraising from Trusts and Foundations, how to design a fundraising strategy and how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign.

The training is part of Government’s support for Local Charities Day, which takes place on 16 December. The day will put small, local charities and community groups into the spotlight, helping them thrive and demonstrate the great work they do in their areas.

Sign up now The programme is targeted at charities and community groups with an annual income of up to £1 million and have a local focus.

The Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) and GlobalGiving UK will deliver the training, which follows on from the Small Charities Fundraising Training Programme.

Charities and community groups can sign-up for training opportunities at:

View the full press release

Important changes to the FCC Community Action Fund

Due to the high level of demand for funding and the reduction in funding available through the LCF WREN has introduced some important to changes the FCC Community Action Fund.

The number of applications WREN receives outweighs the levels of funding available considerably so in order to manage funding expectation we have introduced two additional criteria in line with our objectives.

Who can apply for funding:

WREN will accept applications from the following types or organisations:

  • A Registered Charity which operates a community facility
  • A Church or Parochial Church Council
  • A Parish or Town Council or a Management Committee or User Association acting on behalf of a Parish or Town Council
  • A Local Authority
  • A CASC Registered Sports Club

What type of facility we will fund:

WREN will accept applications for the provision, maintenance or improvement of the following types of public amenity only:

  • Village Halls and Community Centres
  • Public Play Areas
  • Publicly available Multi use games areas, skate parks and BMX tracks
  • Sport and recreation grounds including pavilions and clubhouses with full public access
  • Churches – community spaces only
  • Nature Reserves
  • Public gardens, parks, country parks and woodlands with at least dawn to dusk access
  • Museums

If you wish to apply for funding please download and read our Guide for Applicants first.  It contains important information about what we will fund, what you need to evidence and the supporting information you need to supply with your application.

If you have any queries regarding a future application to WREN please contact the relevant Grant Administrator.

These changes apply to the FCC Community Action Fund only. Source of information

Greggs Foundation

Local Community Projects Funding is offered to organisations supporting people in need. Any not for profit organisation can apply, however, larger organisations with a turnover in excess of £300,000 are unlikely to be successful.

The Hedley Foundation

The Foundation makes grants to small charities working with young people in the areas of Recreation, Sport, Training, Health and Welfare, Support and outdoor Education of young people between the ages of 11 and 25 .

Deadline: 28/01/17 (It is advisable to get applications in 3 weeks before deadline)