Get Xploring in the Easter Holidays

Wednesday 23rd March 2016

XplorerLooking for something to do with the kids in the Easter Holidays? Why not give Xplorer Orienteering a try?

Imagine an activity you can do with all the family (not just drop off the kids and go shopping or read a book)! Imagine an activity where it doesn’t matter how young, old or fit you are (you can go at your own pace)! Finally imagine the excitement of a scavenger hunt in the woods, or a treasure hunt in your local park. That’s Xplorer!

Children Xplorerwill enjoy using a simple map to try and find markers hidden around the park. Events are taking place at Rowley Park Sports Stadium, Stafford (Monday 4th April, 10-12, free – register at the refreshments area) and at Chasewater Innovation Centre (11-1, £2 per child) on Monday 4th April and at Beacon Park, Lichfield on Wednesday 6th April (11-2, 50p per child – register at the Play Area).  There’s no need to book, just turn up…Xplorer



Jane Kracke
Sports Manager
T: 01785 619187