Get Xploring during Half Term

Monday 16th May 2016

XplorerAre you looking for something to do with the kids during Half Term? Why not give Xplorer Orienteering a try?


Imagine an activity you can do with all the family (not just drop off the kids and go shopping or read a book)! Imagine an activity where it doesn’t matter how young, old or fit you are (you can go at your own pace)! Finally imagine the excitement of a scavenger hunt in the woods, or a treasure hunt in your local park. That’s Xplorer!


Children will enjoy using a simple map to try and find markers hidden around the park.


Events are taking place at Shugborough Outdoor Education Centre, on the Shugborough Estate near Stafford on 31st May, 1st June and 2nd June (10-12 and 2-4, free), at Chasewater Innovation Centre on 1st June (11-1, £2 per child) and at Beacon Park, Lichfield on 3rd and 4th June (11-2, 50p per child – register at the Play Area).

There’s no need to book, just turn up…

Xplorer               Xplorer

Jane Kracke
Sports Manager
T: 01785 619187