Insight Updates

Wednesday 20th November 2019

What a ‘blast’ November has been up to now! So many amazing fireworks being let off and now Christmas is only a month away!

Whether you are working away in the office, on the busy train or curling in front of a warm fire, why not take a look at our latest Insight Newsletter?

The focus for this month’s publication is Stress and Anxiety and the links to sport and physical activity. We also have some updates from Public Health regarding Locality profiles; covering all 9 districts in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

The insight pieces highlighted in this newsletter are just a handful of useful tools, research and statistics that are out there.

To help you to access further insight pieces, please follow the link here to our Insight Log.

We do hope that you find this month’s Insight newsletter both interesting and informative!




Public Health England: 2019 Local Authority Health Profiles

Type: Data

Geography: District

Theme: Health and Wellbeing

Description: Public Health England have now released their 2019 update on the local authority health profiles; detailing all 9 Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent’s health and social inequalities as well as key findings from the statistical analysis. The updates will provide you with the most up-to-date findings on the overall health and wellbeing of residents within each area.

Please follow the link here to find the relevant local authority profile.


Age UK: Health and Wellbeing Resource Pack

Type: Data and Insight

Geography: County

Theme: Health and Wellbeing

Description: With the publication of the NHS’s long term plan earlier this year, this resource pack has been published and made available by Age UK to share a range of information and data. This will help to provide a greater understanding of the local population and communities as a whole; linking into local context of health and wellbeing and the delivery of health and social care services. Please click the link in the sub-title to access the resource pack.


Harvard Medical School: Exercising to Relax

Type: Research and Guide

Geography: N/A

Theme: Health and Wellbeing

Description: Can exercise really reduce stress? Harvard Health Publishing looks to answer this question through looking what can be considered as stress relievers, the various exercises that can entice relaxation and the benefits to being active in reducing stress. Please click the link in the sub-title for the full publication.


Mental Health Foundation: Stress

Type: Research and Insight

Geography: National

Theme: Health and Wellbeing

Description: As part of Mental Health Awareness Week in 2018, the Mental Health Foundation produced an informative publication to understand the meaning of being stressed, what the signs are and ways that you can reduce stress with some examples of how this can be achieved. Please click the in the link in the sub-title for further information.


Tip of the month!


Protecting yourself is key! – Always check the permissions when presenting data


We know what it is like; you come across some really important information but you become cautious to use or present your discovery as there are certain compliances that you must adhere to. Whilst much of the information is in the public domain, it is important to make sure that any information from other publishers is credited when you aim to share or present the findings.

In order to do so, it would be worth looking at ways in which you can reference where you have found the data and, depending on what information you have collected, you may need certain permissions in which to use it. Please see below some detail in what permissions who may need to gather and ways of referencing the author or publisher:

Source data – Noting the author or publisher is a critical step to demonstrating where the information has come from. Not only does it provide validity to the information that you are sharing, it ensures that the information has been credited to the original author or publisher. This should include author/publisher name, date, information title and a web source (if relevant).

Consent gathering – Particularly important for case studies and information that may include personal information, making sure you enquire about the consent can be an important task in order for you to use the information. If localised, it would be best practice to contact the organisation to make sure that the person in question has provided consent for their information to be used by third-parties, in order to cover your own backs when using or sharing the information.

Contacting author, publisher or responsible organisations – Particularly for sensitive information, there may be specific guidelines for using such information. It would then be good practice to make contact with the original organisations or authors to ensure that the information you are gathering and using meets the guidelines set.


For more hints and tips, please head over to our Insight Hub via the link here.


For more info …


For further information, research and data sets to access, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the SASSOT team by following the link here.

Please follow the link here to our Insight Hub for more useful hints and tips as well providing links to both national and local data sets that can be used to support your ventures through sport and physical activity.


For further information, please contact:

David Richards
Communities and Insight Officer
07800 619693