Did You Know – 11 July 2017

Monday 10th July 2017

UK Coaching New animation promotes good mental health through coaching

UK Coaching has produced a new animation in partnership with Mind, the UK’s leading mental health charity and with support from Public Health England, to help coaches promote good mental health.

Entitled ‘Promoting Good Mental Health through Coaching’, the short will help coaches better understand what mental health is; the barriers faced by those living with or recovering from a mental health problem; and the CARE acronym – a useful tool for coaches when promoting good mental health through their coaching. The video is narrated by Professor Kevin Fenton, Director for Health and Wellbeing at London Borough of Southwark and National Senior Adviser at Public Health England.

The animation is part of a series of animations and infographics, which address and identify areas of interest for coaches to ensure that they meet the needs of their participants – particularly those new to activity. View the animation

Fitness & wellbeing class for ladies and their daughters

Over 30's GFW EventFA Girls Football Week….

Staffordshire FA in connection with Stafford Town Ladies over 30’s FC will be delivering a fitness and wellbeing class for ladies and their daughters.

When?  Sunday 30th July 2017 – 12.30-14.30pm

Where: Stafford Town FC, ST16 3TH

For further information please contact:
Bethan Woolley
Football Development Officer
E: bethan.woolley@StaffordshireFA.com
T: 01785 279835

Club Matters:

How to keep your volunteers

Volunteers are the life and soul of community sport, and our latest guidance will give you tips and ideas to help you keep volunteers at your club. Understanding your volunteers, connecting with their motivations and recognising their impact will help you to deliver a rewarding, meaningful experience. As well as keeping your current volunteers engaged, connecting with them will also make it easier to attract new volunteers to your club. Take a look at our new insight and guidance and give your volunteers a great experience.

Develop your club by attending a free workshop

Club Matters workshops are short training sessions, funded by Sport England and delivered across the country by Club Matters facilitators in a range of specific topics. The sessions will develop your skills, improve your knowledge and ultimately help you develop your club. They are for groups of at least 4 clubs and build upon the content of the online resources, but also include case studies, topical issues, exercises and a discussion section.

The workshops typically last approximately 2 hours and like all Club Matters support, workshops are open to anyone involved with a community sports club. The topics covered will mostly be relevant to those who have responsibility for, or involvement in running their club, either now or in the future. We encourage more than one person from a club to attend so that knowledge and business skills can be shared within their club.

Current topics include

  1. Club Finances
  2. Club Structures
  3. Marketing Strategy
  4. Business Planning
  5. Tax Requirements for your Club People

Find out more