Did You Know – 25 July 2017

Thursday 20th July 2017

Club Matters – Governance guidance for clubs

We’ve updated the Clubmark accreditation process to reflect the new minimum standards set out in Sport England’s Code for Sports Governance. It means that if you apply for Clubmark in the future, your club will also be deemed to meet Tier 1 standards set out in the Code. A well-run, sustainable sports club, should be striving to meet at least this tier of the Code, which came into effect in April. Transparency Good governance means having the right people, processes and policies in place to make the right decisions for everyone involved in your club. Following good governance promotes integrity, inclusivity and transparency and will help you apply for funding. Take a look at our governance guidance to check you understand the requirements, and use our toolkits and templates to help you address any gaps.

Read the Governance Guidance

Public Health England – Change4Life – 10 Minute Shake Up resources

Help pupils to get more active over the summer with our curriculum-linked 10 Minute Shake Up activities, including lesson plans, active games and summer holiday worksheet  Access the resources

UK Coaching
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and coach learning and development – key findings

UK Coaching commissioned a review of academic research around ‘Technology Enhanced Learning’ (TEL) in coaching. TEL has become a widely-accepted term for describing the interface between digital technology and teaching – replacing popular terminology such as ‘e-learning’, ‘learning technology’ and ‘computer based learning’. The review examined 64 research articles specifically related coaching.

Key findings – covered in this 2-page document

The Coaching Panel 2017: A report on coaches and coaching in the UK. UK Coaching

The Coaching Panel is an annual survey of sport and physical activity coaches in the UK. This report presents the key findings from the latest survey, conducted in February 2017. The survey was open to any adult who had coached, instructed, trained, taught or led any sport or physical activity in the UK within the previous twelve months. The survey was completed online, via a web-based survey tool. It was circulated to UK Coaching members via direct email invitation, and promoted via social media, newsletters and word of mouth.

As the survey promotion relied on databases from UK Coaching and similar organisations and followers, the responses are likely to over-represent coaches in traditional sports club settings and those who are more qualified and experienced than the national average.

UK Coaching has conducted surveys of coaches since 2008 and the results of the current survey have been compared with previous years. Generally the results have remained consistent over time but any changes to note are highlighted in this report. Download a copy

UK Coaching
Cross-sector organisations team-up to create mental health resources for coaches

UK Coaching has produced a new animation and infographic in partnership with Mind, the UK’s leading mental health charity and with support from Public Health England to help coaches promote good mental health.

‘Promoting Good Mental Health through Coaching’ will help coaches better understand what mental health is and the barriers faced by those living with or recovering from a mental health problem when accessing sport and physical activity.

The video, narrated by Professor Kevin Fenton, Director for Health and Wellbeing at London Borough of Southwark and National Senior Adviser at Public Health England, is available to watch on UK Coaching’s website, where you can also download the infographic: http://www.ukcoaching.org/mentalhealth

‘Promoting Good Mental Health through Coaching’ is part of a series of animations and infographics recently published by UK Coaching that address and identify areas of interest for coaches to ensure that they meet the needs of their participants – particularly those new to activity.

View the full news item

Code of Practice for Sports Coaches:
Rights, Relationships and Responsibilities. Revised edition 2017. UK Coaching

Coaches must demonstrate a high degree of honesty, integrity and competence. The need for coaches to understand and act on their responsibilities is vital to sport, as is the need to promote participation for fun and enjoyment, as well as achievement. This is implicit in good coaching practice and promotes a professional image. This Code of Practice for Sports Coaches defines all that is best in coaching practice. Download a copy


Locality – Applications now open for the Impact Management Programme

Learn how to make a real impact with funders, investors and commissioners. The Impact Management Programme has been designed to build the capacity and provide support for charities and social enterprises seeking to manage their impact. The programme supports groups to analyse and respond to their impact data – using it to change and improve programmes and services. This will help groups to increase social impact and diversify income.

There are two parts to the fund, depending on your stage of impact management: the Pathway strand, and the Growth strand. View the full news item

OR go straight to the programme information page

The Vintage Volunteers project is here!

Reach great, new volunteers NOW! Are you looking to recruit experienced, knowledgeable, enthusiastic volunteers?
We can help!

Vintage Volunteers is an exciting, new Big Lottery funded project from VAST which seeks to engage members of the community aged 60+ who would benefit from volunteering placements within Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-under-Lyme.

The project aims to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience of our 60+ community by supporting them into tailored and accessible volunteering roles.

‘Volunteering is a wonderful way to make a difference in your local community,’ says Project Manager, Steve Terry. ‘But it also helps volunteers too. Older people who volunteer often see an improvement in their personal health and wellbeing, an increase in their social connections and a renewed sense of purpose and self-worth.’

The Vintage Volunteers team have got bags of experience supporting the VCSE sector with all aspects of volunteer engagement. They also offer support and advice on volunteer management, your policies and procedures and general best practice methods for coordinating volunteers.

So, what are you waiting for?

Visit www.vintagevolunteers.org.uk to register your organisations account or contact a member of the project team to chat about the project in more detail.

E – info@vintagevolunteers.org.uk
T – 01782 683030

News from Stafford & Stone Canoe Club

  • World Cup success for Adam Burgess and Chris Bowers
  • Fancy becoming a Canoe Slalom Coach?
  • “From Stone to London” Chris Bowers interviewed by Richard Ramsdale

Plus much more – read their Gateline newsletter

Elite Rider Joins Go-Ride Sessions

Stafford Road Club host Go-Ride coaching sessions on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings throughout the year at the Tackeroo Campsite on Cannock Chase. On Wednesday 2nd August 2017 Stafford Road Club are delighted to be welcoming Rebecca Leaper to their session.

Rebecca Leaper
Rebecca Leaper

We have an elite mountain bike rider, Rebecca Leaper coming to our Go Ride session on Wednesday, 2 August 2017.   Originally from Eccleshall, Rebecca went to Alleynes school in Stone. In 2017 Rebecca won the World Masters Games Mountain bike Gold.  During the session Rebecca will be talking to the youth riders about her pathway through cycling, her experiences and Hosting a Q&A session.

This event is open to all young cyclists to promote our Go Ride sessions.  These run each Wednesday & Sunday evenings on Cannock Chase and aimed at those aged 5-16 who can competently ride a bike without stabilisers.

Event: Elite Mountain bike rider, Rebecca Leaper, joins Go Ride Session
When: Wednesday, 2 August 2017 Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Where: Tackeroo Campsite, Cannock Chase, WS15 2UA

http://www.forestry.gov.uk/tackeroo http://www.staffordrc.org/go-ride-elite-rider-visit/

Rebecca is originally from Eccleshall, went to Alleynes school in Stone, but now lives in Spain. Rebecca started cycling around 17 years ago after competing in Triathlons but realised that cycling was her true calling. Rebecca races in Mountain biking in Olympic, marathon and Stage race formats as well as some road ultra-marathon. In 2017 Rebecca won the World Masters Games Mountain bike Gold, won and podiumed in Lanzarotte and Andalucia stage races as a master, and had multiple top ten stage and single day results racing as an Elite rider, Rebecca is sponsored by Coluer Bikes and Sixth Element Wheels.

During the session Rebecca will be talking to the youth riders about her pathway through cycling, her experiences and Hosting a Q&A session. Stafford Road Club’s Go-Ride sessions are open to 5 – 16 year olds who can competently ride a bike without stabilisers.  For further queries, please contact Go-Ride@staffordrc.org

Paula Blackburn for Stafford RC