What motivates young people to be active?

Wednesday 23rd March 2016

Sport EnglandscUK


Ideas to help young people keep taking part/coming back to your session



Have you seen the practical guidance from sports coach UK and Sport England to help you make your sessions inspiring for young people?

Here are a few examples on how to deliver sessions that meet the motivations of some young people:

  • Keep friendship groups together rather than splitting them up – this will be engaging for those who come along to hang out with their friends.
  • For young people wanting to get in shape and keep healthy you should plan to keep your group as active as possible, during the time you have. It is important to let young people choose the intensity to take part.
  • It is easy to think that by just taking part in a session that young people will have fun and enjoy themselves. However coaches can build more of the enjoyment factor into session by giving young people control over what they choose to do or by not interrupting activity too often. Continual interruptions and coaching points can distract from getting into the flow of things and reduces enjoyment.

For more tips and to see a short animation and some guidance click here http://bit.ly/SessionMotivations.

Bite Size Learning created for youth coaches

sports coach UK and Sport England have created a short animation and an accompanying support guide. The aim is to help you help you understand the different reasons why young people take part in sport and deliver session that will meet their motivation. Click here to view and download your latest bite sized learning experience.  http://bit.ly/SessionMotivations