New ‘Just Swim’ app launched

Monday 21st November 2016

No matter what your fitness level, the general benefits of swimming are yours to go out and grab and make your own.

It has the power to give your muscles a makeover, transform you into a cardio king, turn back the clock, and calm you quicker than a secluded beach in the Bahamas.

Just Swim App – view the poster

Just Swim has been developed by the ASA to encourage people to start swimming or to swim more often.

The aim of the app is to provide a platform to log swims, set goals and complete challenges, as well as providing information around the benefits of swimming. It is the perfect tool for the more novice swimmer who wants to
challenge themselves in the pool.

But if this isn’t enough to get you reaching for your cossie, visit the Just Swim website for the benefits of swimming whatever your fitness level, as is no such thing as being too cool for the pool.

Just Swimgeneric2football2Just Swim