PE and Sport Premium Postcard

Tuesday 10th January 2017

The Youth Sport Trust PE Team has produced a postcard aimed at supporting primary schools with the effective use of their Primary PE and School Sport Premium Funding.

Download the PDF

Primary PE & School Sport Premium

Primary PE & School Sport Premium

SASSOT’s new delivery partner

In other news SASSOT has a new delivery partner for our Primary PE and School Sport delivery function.

SASSOT have appointed Accelerate Learning Ltd to offer support to schools across Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent. This organisation is headed up by Sheila Fulford who has considerable experience as a PE Consultant. Accelerate Learning Ltd will be working with us to ensure the following roles and responsibilities are fulfilled:

  • Advocating the value of PE, School and Community Sport through communicating with schools across the sub region (for example Head Teacher Groups and Subject Leader Meetings)
  • Identifying and promoting a range of appropriate high quality CPD products and opportunities that link schools to national and local programmes and projects targeted at primary school children
  • To provide advice on the use of external appropriate and high quality coaches and volunteers in line with recognised minimum standards and good practice
  • Ensuring all schools who want and need support are aware of what is available to them
  • Identify schools that need support and provide support on planning, delivery and evaluation relating to the use of Primary School Sport Premium Funding

Accelerate Learning Ltd
Sheila Fulford
T: 07772 675489