RFU- Over 500 coaches commit to Age Grade Rugby Codes of Practice

Wednesday 17th January 2018

Are you in? Find out more here


Following the launch of the Age Grade Codes of Practice, 500 coaches and teachers from across the county have downloaded and have committed to applying the codes to their practice in schools and clubs.

The Age Grade Codes of Practice outlines England Rugby’s approach to deliver Age Grade Rugby, ensuring it aligns to the Age Grade philosophy of being ‘player centred, development driven and competition supported.’

Are you in?

Of the 500 coaches so far, 76% are from Age Grade clubs while Yorkshire lead the way with the most coaches currently committed.

Huddersfield RUFC are currently the club with the highest number of coaches who have committed while Shiplake College in Henley have the most teachers.

The aim of the Codes is provide practical support to enable coaches and teacher not only apply regulation, but to ensure that players are at the heart of all decisions.