SASSOT’s Annual Report 2017-18

Wednesday 18th July 2018

Welcome to the 2017-2018 edition of the Sport Across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent (SASSOT) Annual Report. This report highlights some, although by no means all, of the exciting work we have undertaken with the support of local partners.

In many ways it has been the busiest twelve months of the CSPs history, with a focus on securing our financial future, achieving excellent levels of corporate governance and defining the future strategic direction of the Partnership, whilst continuing to deliver our programmes and support services to our partners.

The publication of our new Strategy “Everyone More Active More Often” was a milestone for SASSOT and the result of months of consultation with our partners. At its heart is an unwavering focus on the needs of our most inactive communities, aspiring to our highest level of partnership working and collaboration. You can read a copy of the Strategy on the SASSOT website and we would love to hear your feedback.

I would like to take this opportunity to commend the excellent work of the staff team; through a period of change, they have continued to deliver the excellent level of service that SASSOT is renowned for.

I look forward to working closely with all of our stakeholders over the coming twelve months to “create active places and healthy lives through physical activity and sport” (Jude Taylor, SASSOT Director)

View the annual report here.

Jude Taylor (SASSOT Director)


T: 01785 619299