Spread the news about your club by joining Staffordshire Connects

Wednesday 7th March 2018

Staffordshire Connects is a free and easy to use directory where you can find details about hundreds of different support services, organisations, local activities, events, clubs and community groups taking place across the county – all in one place.  It includes everything from self help and support groups to clubs about hobbies and activities; with just about everything else in between.  Managed by Staffordshire County Council, it is used by over 1000 people per week, to find the support they need and range of activities to participate in.

We would like you to join us and be a part of it so details about your club can be easily be found too.

How do I join?  

To get started, register for an account here.

Create a record and then add the information about what you offer. You can use the site to provide as much detail as you need or simply signpost people to your website for further details.

If you prefer, you could also link people back to your details held on the Sports Across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent website. This is most useful if it’s the place where you keep your club’s information the most up to date. If you have a logo, don’t forget to add it.

Once your record is created simply submit it and we will then list it for you. You can sign back into your account at anytime to update your details.

For further information, please get in touch via email.