Free Planning & Sport Policy Workshops – March 2016

Sunday 17th January 2016

Spring Daffodils


  • Thursday 10th March 2016
    • Workshop 3 “Towards a Better Understanding of The Local Planning System”
  • Thursday 24th March 2016
    • Workshop 4 “Exploring Government Sport Policy Over the past 55 Years”

Time /Venue

2-4.30 pm at Ivanovo Room, County Buildings, Martin Street, Stafford ST16 2LB

Details/ Booking

Workshop 3: Thursday 10th March 2016

“ Towards a Better Understanding of the Local Planning System”

On completion of the workshop attendees should:

  • Have a greater understanding of how the local planning system is applied to open space, sport, play and recreation provision.
  • Have greater knowledge of the national planning policy framework towards protecting open spaces.
  • Have a greater understanding of open space standards, beyond the six acre standard
  • Understand the `Ten step’ guide to protecting playing fields put forward by Fields in Trust
  • Know what is required to carry out a robust up to-date needs assessment
  • Understand the role of Playing pitch strategies
  • Understand the important contribution community infrastructure levy monies and 106 agreement monies can play towards provision of new sport and play facilities.
  • Have good knowledge of how to best influence local development plans, place plans, parish plans and neighbourhood plans towards creating open space opportunities.
  • Be able to incorporate the safe routes to play policy into the design of new developments.

Workshop 4: Thursday 24th March

“Exploring Government Sport Policy over the past 55 years”

On completion of the workshop attendees should have:

  • Increased their knowledge of how sport development has evolved over the past 55 years.
  • Up to-date knowledge of government sport policy
  • Understand how succesive governments have utilised sport to impact on social issues in local communities.
  • Have considered the role, value and benefits of competition with regard to sport and play
  • Have greater awareness of how to utilise competition more effectively in the future.
  • Considered how to best utilise play, sport and physical activity to impact on a range of community needs.

These sessions are open and available to everyone, but may be most suitable for those involved in community decision making like Parish and Town Council members, officers involved with providing outdoor sport, play and informal recreation opportunities. It will also be valuable for playing field members, promoters of play and sport, including teachers., lecturers and students-additionally sport development officers ,sports club organisers as well as governing bodies of sport.

Limited spaces. To book your place please contact:

Miranda Parkinson, Secretary, Staffordshire Playing Fields Association

T: 01889 270620


Sign the petition to protect outdoor recreation space

Staffordshire Playing Fields Association are supporting the petition was started by playing fields supporter Jim Hardaker from Skegness in Lincolnshire.  It aims to protect recreational open spaces from development by preventing councils from selling land without a mandate from the public in the form of a majority “yes” in a local referendum.  The petition comes from the feeling that such open space belongs to us all and should not be sold for development unless the public (rather than councils) decide that it is surplus to requirements.  The petition is a moderate one-requiring not a blanket ban on selling recreational spaces, but simply that it be in the best interests of the public to do so. Staffordshire Playing Fields Association have signed the petition and would encourage others to do so.  If the petition gets 10,000 signatures the government will have to respond to it. 

This petition is completely different from the recent Private Members Bill from MP Tom Pursglove which has reached its second reading in Parliament, however both have similar aims.