Table Tennis England Disability Table Grant Scheme

Friday 9th December 2016

The Table Tennis England Disability Table Grant Scheme gives the opportunity to organisations or charities which work with people with disabilities or impairments to purchase a table tennis table at a subsidised rate, with prices starting from £160. Sport England is providing the funding for the scheme.

The Disability Table Grant Scheme feeds into Table Tennis England’s target to increase the number of disabled people regularly participating to 25,600 by 2017, as set out in the Mission 2025 document.

It works on an application basis. Applicants should work with over-16s. Please note, replacement of worn tables is not covered by the scheme.

Each successful application also receives a resource pack including 10 bats, 12 balls, a ladder board and knockout cup posters. Delivery and installation is included.

Application forms can be downloaded below, or for more information on the scheme, please contact Development Project Support Officer Helen Dennett on or 01908 208883.

Access the application information