Together Active is Growing

Thursday 13th July 2023

We’re thrilled to announce a period of recruitment and workforce expansion, with our team poised to increase from 8 to 14 dedicated individuals as part of a programme of transformation. We’re repositioning our efforts to better support local residents, particularly those from the most disadvantaged backgrounds.


At the heart of our mission is the commitment to using physical activity as a catalyst for improving health and wellbeing, fostering powerful communities, and promoting social inclusion. By addressing the challenges of inactivity head-on, we aim to empower individuals to lead active and fulfilling lives, regardless of their circumstances.


Recognising the importance of community engagement and collaborative problem-solving, we’re seeking to recruit staff members who will work closely with local communities. These individuals will play a crucial role in understanding the barriers to participation in physical activity and codesigning innovative solutions tailored to the unique needs of each community.


“We are excited to embark on this period of recruitment and workforce expansion, as it signifies a significant milestone in our efforts to make a lasting impact on the lives of residents in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent,” said Carly Jones, Together Active’s CEO.

“By increasing our workforce and working closely with communities, we are confident in our ability to identify and overcome barriers to participation, ultimately creating a healthier and more inclusive society.”


We encourage passionate individuals who are committed to community development, health promotion, and social change to apply for the available positions. We offer a supportive and empowering work environment, providing opportunities for personal and professional growth, along with the chance to make a tangible difference in the lives of those they serve.


Prospective applicants with a background in community engagement, health promotion, social work, programme management or related fields are invited to submit their applications at by 6th August 2023.

For more information about the available positions and the application process, contact Together Active at