SASSOT Updates

Monday 15th July 2019

Chair Update


WOW! What a privilege it was to read the twitter feeds about the Staffordshire School Games!  I was unfortunately unable to attend this year due to holidays. Clearly from the feedback I have had it was yet another superb day of sport in some glorious weather. Keele University once again were the perfect hosts and at SASSOT we are grateful to them for all their support.

The planning and delivery teams must have done a great job as I have had lots of contact from folk who thought it was really well run and as one person said to me “a really smooth operation”. I look forward to the continuing development of the event and hope to use its influence to help all the young people in Staffordshire to be active.

The SASSOT team has been busy preparing for an active summer and following the success of the Ironman event we are already in the planning stage for next year of this popular event. I spent the day at the finishing line and, like the rest of the large crowds, was impressed by all the participants and the very professional way the event was run. Ben Hollands from SASSOT was the behind the scenes person who ensured the whole thing went off smoothly. Well done Ben. If you did not attend this year then I can highly recommend it as the town centre was buzzing with life on the sunny Sunday.

There have been a few recent developments internally and I want to go on record to say thank you to Sarah Bixter who has acted as my PA and managed the affairs of the Board and all its paper work with consummate skill. Thanks Sarah and good luck in your new role as a Police Officer.

We also welcome back Jude Taylor from maternity leave; it is good to have you back Jude and we (the Board) look forward to your leadership of the team.

You will all know by now that SASSOT has now formalised its link with the professional officers across the county and city to form a new activity related group called Physical Activity Leadership in Staffordshire or PALS. The group consists of one member from each of the local authorities and we will be using the forum to develop cross cutting themes which hopefully will enable a more effective role out of the SASSOT strategy. I am privileged to be able to chair this group now as a formal sub set of the SASSOT Board.

Other developments include a detailed investigation into the long term, sustainable future of SASSOT as the Board are keen to ensure that we are future-proofed as far as is possible. There will be more news about this after the Board meeting.

In the meanwhile, enjoy the summer, keep active and keep in touch.

Best wishes,

Malcolm Armstrong, Chair of the SASSOT Board