Get active afloat in Staffordshire as Push The Boat Out returns in May

Thursday 12th April 2018

New research commissioned by boating’s national governing body, the RYA, shows that a quarter of people have never tried an outdoor pursuit, yet two in four want to be more active and nearly a third want to get more fresh air*.


RYA Push The Boat Out

(Photo: Tamworth SC)

And there’s never been a better time to get active afloat as RYA Push The Boat Out gives everyone across Staffordshire the chance to give sailing and windsurfing a go for free throughout the whole of May.

No fewer than seven venues are hosting Push The Boat Out events around Staffordshire. These are South Staffordshire Sailing Club, Greensforge Sailing Club, Blithfield Sailing Club, Tamworth Sailing Club, Manor Park Sailing Club, Rudyard Lake Sailing Club and Chase Sailing Club. Find your nearest Push The Boat Out event at

So if you’re on the lookout for something completely different, whether you’re bored of the gym and want some outdoor health and fitness, are a bit of an adrenaline junkie, need something to switch your brain off from everyday life or simply want a sociable new activity you can enjoy with your family or friends, pop down to your nearest Push The Boat Out event and just have a go.

Gareth Brookes, RYA Regional Development Officer for the Midlands, said: “So many people still don’t realise they can go sailing or windsurfing on their doorstep, and that you don’t even need to own a boat or board as clubs and centres have ones you can borrow or hire.

“Once you’ve learned the ropes, you can sail on your own or with your partner, friends or kids in dinghies or big boats, inland or on the coast. And after you’ve given your mind and body an on-the-water workout, nothing beats having a drink by the water on warm summer evenings.”

All kit and safety equipment is provided at Push The Boat Out events, so just bring a pair of old trainers you don’t mind getting wet and your sense of fun and adventure. Refreshments will be available with a host of shoreside activities and entertainment to enjoy too.

As part of their Getting Active Outdoors campaign (2015), Sport England found people enjoy outdoor pursuits for many reasons, including spending time with family, to have fun with friends, to enjoy the scenery and be closer to nature, to take advantage of the fresh air and weather and to relax and get away from modern life. Some 40% of people said they would prefer to do their exercise outdoors.

Almost 400 venues across the UK are inviting people to Push The Boat Out this May. Over 22,000 people regularly go along to their local sailing club every month across the Midlands, sailing small sailboats or windsurfing on the region’s reservoirs, lakes and rivers, while last year a whopping 32,000 people ‘pushed the boat out’ at over 500 sailing and windsurfing taster sessions throughout the UK. For full details visit the website.


RYA Push The Boat Out

(Photo: Manor Park SC)