Further Education and Higher Education Contacts

Further Education Contacts

Burton and South Derbyshire College


Buxton and Leek College


City of Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College

David Hardwick
T:  01782 848736 ext 233
E: david.hardwick@stokesfc.ac.uk

Newcastle-under-Lyme College

David Sutton
Academy of Sport Manager
T: 01782 254269
E: david.sutton@nulc.ac.uk

South Staffordshire College


Stafford College

Mark Kent
Curriculum Manager for Sport and Public Services
T: 01785 275688
M: 07921 163260
E: m.kent1@staffordcoll.ac.uk

Stoke-on-Trent College

Calvin Austin
Learner Involvement Co-ordinator
T: 01782 208208
E: caust1sc@stokecoll.ac.uk

Higher Education Contacts

Keele University

Michael Huss
Sports Development Manager
T: 01782 733343
M: 07739 326685
E: m.d.huss@keele.ac.uk

Staffordshire University

Arron Dunn
Sport Engagement Co-ordinator (Active Universities)
T: 01782 294626
E: a.dunn@staffs.ac.uk